Author: admin

  • Accessability for Disabled Users

    When planning and developing websites and online services, considering how users understand and navigate them is hugely important. By understanding who is likely to want your products and services, we can consider their needs and capabilities.

  • Responsive website design

    The internet is now used by a huge range or devices and software. Depending on your target audience, standard websites can be difficult to vew and navigate, with a  certain amount of resizing, panning, and scrolling required, and some features that may not work. Roll-over and hover funcions in particular are an issue for touch screen devices.…

  • Phased web site development for business growth

    Many business owners can see the potential of the internet, but a full solution can be prohibitively costly, and interim solutions often prove unworkable in the long run. To avoid this, it is wise to consider several levels of development, and decide what is needed now, the perfect scenario for the end result, and all…

  • Affordable Web Design

    All work undertaken will be clearly quoted to provide the cheapest options that will fulfil your requirements, with optional extras highlighted, and any ongoing costs openly declared. Staged development can be split in such a way as to provide working sites in the early stages, further stages can be done on a development server, beginning…